Saturday, August 29, 2009
Something's Weird
I'm not sure what the heck is going on, but for some reason my new memory card doesn't seem to want to import into my computer. It worked fine on Monday with the back to school pics, but on Thursday when I went to import Treven's birthday pictures, nothing happens. Gary says that one year of the Geek Squad came with my new computer, so I think I will call them and see what is up. I think that my memory card reader is messed up. Maybe I will try to use the USB cord and bypass the reader tomorrow. We'll see how much time I get- I have two challenges for the retreat due.
Monday, August 24, 2009
First Day of School
Hope all the kids have a wonderful day!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Counting my Blessings
Last week there was a local man and his two sons that died together in a plane crash. I went to school with most of the kids in their family so it really hit close to home. I can't imagine losing my husband and both of my sons at the same time. I would be absolutely devastated...anyway, I have had the Mingo family on my mind and in my prayers all week.
My mom called me yesterday after the funeral and said that she really felt the need to let her children know how much she loves them and how proud of us she is. I can't tell you how much it means to hear. I have always known my mom loved us and that she was proud of us, but it still nice to be told again. In the course of our conversation, we talked about how our family is really not a huggy-touchy family. I realized that I really don't kiss my kids and tell them I love them often enough. I think they know deep down just like I did that they are loved and the essence of my whole world, but I bet they would like to hear it aloud. I'm going to make it a point to tell them or show them every single day how important they are to me. Anyone who knows me knows this will be a challenge! I'm much better at writing my feelings than saying them. It's extremely hard for me to say certain things out loud!!! But, none of us truly know how much time we have left to spend with our families and friends and I want the people I love to know they are loved.
Okay, so I have probably gone on enough for one day with my emotions! Time to put them back inside and not on my sleeve! Hope you all have a fabulous day and I encourage you all to let someone know you love them-I know I'm going to!
My mom called me yesterday after the funeral and said that she really felt the need to let her children know how much she loves them and how proud of us she is. I can't tell you how much it means to hear. I have always known my mom loved us and that she was proud of us, but it still nice to be told again. In the course of our conversation, we talked about how our family is really not a huggy-touchy family. I realized that I really don't kiss my kids and tell them I love them often enough. I think they know deep down just like I did that they are loved and the essence of my whole world, but I bet they would like to hear it aloud. I'm going to make it a point to tell them or show them every single day how important they are to me. Anyone who knows me knows this will be a challenge! I'm much better at writing my feelings than saying them. It's extremely hard for me to say certain things out loud!!! But, none of us truly know how much time we have left to spend with our families and friends and I want the people I love to know they are loved.
Okay, so I have probably gone on enough for one day with my emotions! Time to put them back inside and not on my sleeve! Hope you all have a fabulous day and I encourage you all to let someone know you love them-I know I'm going to!
Monday, August 17, 2009
Roaring Springs
We had such a dramatic vacation! Ellie started being really grumpy on Tuesday. I thought it was her teeth coming in because she was so slobbery, but she just got worse. She wouldn't smile and she cried every time I put her down. I took her to the doctor as a precaution on Thursday and sure enough, she ha a double ear infection and the back of her throat was red. The doctor put her on antibiotics and she started to get better by Saturday morning. (Although we dealt with diarrhea all weekend!)
We left for Boise Saturday morning with plans to go to the water park. It was really windy, though so we decided to do the school shopping on Saturday instead of Sunday. We hit the outlet mall and got Treven and Ellie some fall/winter clothes at Osh Kosh and Carters. Then we went to the Boise Towne Square Mall and met up with Victor and Michelle and their kids. The guys ditched us (much to the delight of all the teenagers) and went to Cabellas and Hooters for hotwings! Michelle and I stayed out of the stores most of the time because the stroller didn't work well in the midst of hundred of people in each store-it was a mad house that day. The girls all got lots of cute things and I got a few pictures of Braquel's last school shopping trip...more about that later.
After the mall, we went to check in the hotel and then we went to Chuck E. Cheese to celebrate Treven's upcoming birthday. He had never been there before so we thought it would be fun. I think the older kids thought it would be lame, but they actually all ended up enjoying the night. Lina told me it was the funnest place ever. All of the big kids donated their tickets to Treven so he could get a bigger prize in the end. He ended up getting a Chuck E. Cheese baseball and mitt, a rocket, and some Pop Rocks for all of the kids. Again, I took lots of pics...more about that later!
We got back to the hotel about 10. The kids went to workout and I tried to get Ellie to sleep. We got two rooms (1 for Gary and I and the two little ones and 1 for all 5 teenage girls) They all brought treats and goodies for an up-all-night party so of course Treven wanted to be with them. I guess shopping wore them all out so they decided they would actually sleep. Treven finally ended up with us and asleep as soon as his head hit the pilllow.
We got to the water park not too long after they opened. The kids took off and started hitting the slides. I got some fun pics of Treven. Steph and David and their crew were there, too so I got some pics of them in the Wave Pool. Then I went to get some pics of the older kids in the Wave Pool and my camera kept telling me there was something wrong with my memory card-it could be damaged. It would let me do anything.....there are almost 2000 pics on that card. Luckliy I had downloaded everything up until our vacation so all I lost was the one from the mall and Chuck E. Cheese. I would have been sick if I had lost all my pics since Christmas...I hat to even think about it. (If anyone knows what could be wrong and how I could possibly retrieve the pics-PLEASE LET ME KNOW-I AM DESPERATE!) Anyway, the park is across from a Walgreens and I was going to go buy another memory card, but Michelle said she had an empty one if it would work in my camera. Luckily it did and I was able to get some pics from the Roaring Springs Water Park. It's the best I could do!
So that was our vacation. I'll post som pics of all the new school clothes later-
Thursday, August 13, 2009
In the Garden...
There was a Christian scientist and an atheist scientist doing research in the desert. One night before bed, the Christian scientist was saying his prayers and the atheist asked him, "How do you know there is a God out there listening to you?" The Christian answered and said, "I have faith." The atheist asked "Have you seen God face to face? Have you ever heard God's spoken voice?" The Christian had to admit that no, he had never seen God face to face and no, God had never spoken aloud to him.
The next morning, the Christian exited his tent and found the atheist studying some prints in the sand. "We had a camel come through here last night," said the atheist.
"Did you see him face to face?" asked the Christian.
"No." said the atheist.
"Did you speak to him and he answer aloud?" asked the Christian.
"No," said the atheist. "But look, there are footprints all around, he had to have been here."
"And that is why I have faith in God," said the Christian. "I can't see Him face to face and I can't hear His spoken voice, but His footprints are all around me and I can see where He has been."
I like to think of this story when I look at God's blessing on my life. Even the simple things-like deer prints in my garden that remind me of nature and how much I love living in the mountains. You won't find these deer prints in Burley or Rupert. Simple things like an abundance of green beans that will help feed my family all winter long. God is good! Have a blessed day!
Monday, August 10, 2009
BBQ at Woody's
2009 Stapelman Reunion
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Ellie's 5 months old
Challenge #1 Done
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Ahhh... the lazy days of summer
Treven: Mom, there are some really great cattails down here and we don't have to go to Burley!
Me: Wow! Do you remember the rules about the cattails?
Treven: Sure...(thinks a minute) we don't hit dad with them because he gets really mad.
Me: That's really hurts.
Treven: Dad gets so mad he might spank me so hard I can't sit down for a week!!!
Of course, there is a little inside information you need if you don't know the story on this conversation! Last summer, we went to Emerald Lake for a family picnic. Treven got several cattails and took them home. Gary told him over and over that we don't hit people with them. Treven decided it was ok to hit as long as you only hit the bad guys! Gary and I were just walking out the door to go to Annies and WHACK! Treven hit Gary right across the butt as hard as he could with the cattail. Needless to say, he got into some trouble over it. I came home a little later that night to check on the kids and he was still mad at his dad. He told me that he wasn't sure he would ever love dad again! He did get over it later that night, though.
Treven: Come on, Mom...let's go faster! (He starts running down the gravel road to the cattails)
Me: I can't run, Trev...I'm too old and fat (even though I do pick up the pace a bit)
Treven: (slowing down) It's okay, Mom. I'll wait up for you like a good son!
That you are, baby,,,that you are!
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Concert at Annies
We had Laio come up to Annies last night and do a tribute for Matt. We originally wanted her to come up and do something last Friday (Matt's 34th birthday) but all of his family and friends were going to the City of Rocks to spread his ashes. Laio and I decided that the 31st would work just as well so she came around 8 and played until a little after 10. She does such a great job. She has kind of a Janis Joplin type sound and she does some rock and some blues. She writes her own songs so she mixes some of her stuff with some covers from other singers. I guess she recently cut her own album in Nashville and I'm excited to buy her CD when it comes out.
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