This is Braquel and Keven posing with their gummy bunny teeth! They didn't come outside for the egg hunt at my mom's, but they wanted some of the candy, so I told them they had to pose with the teeth!
Here is
Mikayla and Brooke searching for eggs at my mom's. I didn't think the bigger kids would still want to do the egg hunt, but I guess they proved me wrong! It had snowed and the wind blew all night so there were snow drifts in most of the yard. The front wasn't too bad so we hid all the eggs there...didn't leave a lot of hiding room! It was so cold the kids really didn't care anyway.

We dyed eggs Thursday night since I was off work for a meeting at Chelsey's school. After dinner we rolled out the newspaper and went to art. Each of the kids got a dozen of their own eggs. Chelsey took her time and dolled up each of her eggs. It was starting to get a little competitive on who had the best eggs!
Treven's first egg was quite the adventure! My only instructions were to not mix spoons or colors or all the eggs would end up pooh-colored! First thing he does is dip the egg in the green (that's his favorite color). Immediately, he pulls it out and sticks it in the blue. I tell him- NO! So he pulls it out and throws it in the purple....what part of DO NOT MIX THE COLORS was unclear? Anyway, he calls it his
tye-die egg and it was his favorite one in the end!

This is Ellie looking for eggs at our friends house. We got together and we were going to each do treat bags, but Victor said it wasn't Easter without an egg hunt, so we did one. She would crawl all around and get to an egg and then she would see another one and take off toward it without picking up the first egg! Very funny to watch...she didn't know what to do with all the eggs! Notice the bows in her hair? Two little tiny ponytails with bows were in her hair that day....
stinkin' cute if I do say so myself!
All in all, we had a great Easter. I think it lasted three days rather than one, but it was so fun. We dyed eggs Thursday,
Treven had an egg hunt for school on Friday, and we got together with the Gibbons side on Saturday. We took the kids to How to Train Your Dragon before we went to mom's. It was a really cute movie.
Treven really enjoyed the 3-D effects. When we were leaving the theatre, he says- Can we buy that one? After the show we went to moms and had a
huge yummy dinner. Then we did the hunt and then we played Just Dance on the
WII. Talk about addictive-the girls couldn't stop if they tried!
Steph, Dave, Lindsay, and Brooke came up and played games with us later that night. We made some snacks and pigged out some more! The next morning,
Treven came in at 6:30 and said in a loud whisper- Mom, the Easter Bunny came. I asked him if I could please sleep another half hour and then I would get up. He says-how long is that? One cartoon, I say. He actually let me sleep two! He came back in and asked if I could get up now. So I did-he was so cute. He had peeked in his basket, but he put everything back!
Braquel asked me Saturday if the Easter Bunny would be there by 5 because she had to work. I told her maybe. I could see she had peeked through her basket, too! It's her last Easter at home so it was kind of sad. All I could think of was that next year, there would only be 4 little baskets sitting out. It just about breaks my heart! Anyway (I think I am starting to ramble here!) we went out to Victor and Michelle's later that day for another Easter dinner and another egg hunt. The kids have more candy than they will ever know what to do with! It was really great spending the holiday with our friends and family.