I accidentally posted these in the opposite order of what I was wanting...sorry! Ellie was so small and I really wanted to catch how tiny she was before she grew. She is about a week old here and I tried to compare her tiny head to Gary's.

This was still at the hospital before we got to bring her home. Treven just couldn't get enough of her! He was wanting to hold her, kiss her, smell her the whole time! He even told her he was going to be the best big brother and when she got older, he would take all of her spankings for her! He was so sweet. I'm not sure he still feels like he wants to take her punishments, though!

When Ellie was born and they immediately took her to the warmer, I was so scared. I had caught just a glimpse of her when she was born and she was so tiny. My heart nearly stopped and I just knew they weren't going to let me take her home. I've only seen one baby smaller than she was. They dried her up and checked her out and I really was worried when they announced that she was 4 lbs 11 oz. I was sure there was no way were they letting us take her home...I was sick!

When the nurse came in my room that night, I asked her if they were going to let her come home. She said that as long as she kept up her temperature and as long as she was eating, she could go. There was a big board in my room and I had to keep track of when and how long she ate, when she pooped, when she peed, etc. I have never actually prayed for my babies to poop or pee, but that night, I prayed with everything I had! Tune in tomorrow for the rest of the story!