Several years ago, my mom saw an idea in one of the crafting magazines that had big hearts with sentiments and a candy attached to them. The kids got one per day until Valentine's Day. My kids didn't remember us doing it, so I did something similar this year for them.
Every day, they get a surprise. Sometimes it's on the table when they wake up, maybe in their lunch box the next day, or they might find them on their pillows.
Treven is the most excited about finding his surprise each day. The girls have kind of figured out what's going on. Treven just keeps asking me if they get something EVERY DAY until Valentines! If he gets up and doesn't find his treat right away, he asks and asks until he finally gets one!
Most of the candy came from the local dollar store, but I had to supplement a few things from Wal-Mart. I also tried to find some ideas that weren't chocolate. Mikayla doesn't like chocolate, so it was interesting to think of things that went with Valentine's Day that were fruity or non-chocolate!
The presentation on each of the treats is very simple. Initially, I wanted to jazz them up and make them so cute. But time started running short and then I got to thinking that they are just going to throw away the packaging anyway! So I just printed the sentiments on the computer and inked the edges and attached with staples, double stick tape, and twine.