Monday, July 27, 2009

Victor's 40th Birthday!

We went out to Victor and Michelle's to help celebrate his 4oth birhtday. Michelle did all of the decorations in a Mexican Fiesta theme and she cooked chicken and beef fajitas, rice, and was it yummy! Victor took this pic with Tage and Treven and called themselves the "Three Amigos"
We played the funnest game- there were teams of two ( a thrower and a catcher). The catcher had shower caps on their heads and garbage bags over their clothes. When it was all ready, they had shaving cream put on their heads. At one point, Victor for some reason thought it was whipped cream on his head, so he took a big old taste!!! Not so good!

The thrower got 2 mintues to throw Cheetos at them. When the time was up, the cheetos that stuck to the shaving cream were counted and the team with the most Cheetos won. Gary and Victor got the most with 31 (although Mikayla says they cheated)!

This is Angelina and Mikayla with their Cheetos stash. They got 24 to stick. Braquel and Talia got 22 I'm not sure how many the other two teams had. I was rushing around to get pics and missed the counts. All of this was done at 10:30 at night so it was pretty dark. Braquel told me as she was throwing Cheetos to stop taking pictures because the flash was blinding her and she couldn't see!!!

When Michelle got done counting Cheetos and I was talking to Victor, the kids all rushed him and got shaving cream amd Cheetos all over him! He didn't see it coming at all so it was really funny! We always have such a good time when we are all together. Our kids have pretty much been raised together for their whole lives and love to see each other.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like this could be a fun game to play at the family reunion when it's our turn....can't believe Victor ate shaving creme....yuck.
