Sunday, February 28, 2010

Liitle MIss Ellie Shae

What am I ever going to do with my little pill? The photo below shows Ellie happy as can be. This one is less than 45 seconds later! Complete turn around! This little girl knows what she wants and when she wants it. The problem is that we are all too eager to do just what she wants!

When Ellie woke up from her nap, she had bed head really bad! I took her in the bathroom to fix it and she wanted one of Mikayla's necklaces that was sitting in a basket on the counter. She was so cute with it that we decided to take some pictures.She went from trying to get the necklace off to completely ignoring it and back to choking herself trying to pull it off.

What a doll....most of the time anyway! She's usually such a happy baby and she's so comtent to play and crawl around. She's an absolute joy to have around.

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe little Miss Ellie is going to be one year old this week...where has this year gone to. Even Braquel told me yesterday, that she can't believe it's been a year. She is such a doll!
