Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Fabulous New Idea

Last night I couldn't sleep no matter what I did. I tossed and I turned and just couldn't catch any zzz's. So, I got up and started writing things down that were running through my mind and I got this idea. I want to start a small group of crafty women that would be willing to do a "Blog Hop" once a month. Here's how it would work. A month ahead of time, a challenge would be sent out to all of the ladies in the group. It would be a very generic challenge because I want to leave it wide open for interpretation. There would only be two rules- 1. you have to somewhat follow the challenge (it can be any craft, though-not just scrapbooking or cards. It can be a sewing project, home decor project, recipe card, anything crafty that fits the theme and 2. you must have your project posted on your blog by a specific date each month.

I will link to each ladies blog and people can see what each lady has come up with. I think it will be a lot of fun and a great way to get new ideas. If you are interested, call me, comment at the end of this post, or shoot me an email at miss_dani16@yahoo.com. I would love to have 8-10 ladies do this.


  1. Count me in...sounds like a lot of fun. I really like your blog background too. Way cute!

  2. ...makes me a little nervous, but I'll do it and I talked Merlynn into it too.
