Exactly 7 years ago, this little man joined our family and we haven't been the same since! He was the biggest of our babies weighing in at 8lbs 3 oz (and one full week early!) and now he's our littlest. Mostly because he's a picky eater!

definitely our silliest one, too. Who else would sit and make a hundred different faces and want me to take a picture of every last one of them? He's our dreamer and Mr. Fix-it. If something needs fixed, he finds a way to do it. One day
Mikayla and I were having trouble getting an end cap into one of our risers.
Treven told me all the ways I should be doing it (none of which worked) and I finally told him that if he could get it in the riser, I would give him a hundred bucks. I walked away and pretty soon I heard him banging on something. He was beating the end cap into the riser crooked. There is no way that end cap is ever coming out!

Hope you have a HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DUDE!