Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Last of the Thanksgiving Photos

When all of the other kids went outside to sled, Ellie had a fit. She wanted to go outside, too. I bundled her up and she and Chelsey headed out for awhile.

Ellie must have a bit of her daddy in her because she immediately thought it would be funny to scoop up some snow and throw it! Nobody has ever shown her how; in fact, this is probably one of the very few times she has really gotten down in the snow!

She had poor Chelsey on the run! She would just giggle and giggle when she would throw the snow and Chelsey would run and scream! Devilish little thing, she is!

1 comment:

  1. How cute! What in the world did Chelsey think...it was summer? That girl. I'll bet Ellie loved playing out there...and she would love the screaming and running that Chelsey did.
