Saturday, June 23, 2012

Easer 2012

One of Ellie's favorite parts of Easter is dying eggs. I bought 5 dozen eggs and I'll bet she did 3 1/2 dozen by herself! While the other kids took their time and made their eggs pretty, she just scribbled on them and threw them in the dye. They had a hard time keeping up with her! Ellie got a themed Hello Kitty basket from the Easter Bunny. She had a swim suit, sidewalk chalk, jump rope, stickers, etc along with her candy and some sunglasses. I had to work the morning of our town Easter egg hunt so Chelsey got up and took Treven and Ellie to the campus. I was so proud of her that she would do that for her brother and sister. She even took my camera and got a few pics for me! Treven got a water basket from the Easter Bunny. He got a nerf water gun, some water balloons, and some soaker balls along with his candy. Here is Treven waiting for the start of the campus egg hunt! Treven's water basket. Mikayla got a new beach bag, some summer shorts and tank top, and some new sunglasses and flip flops along with her candy. She had been working almost seven days a week plus going to school, so she didn't get to really participate with all of the Easter prep this year. It's a bummer getting older! Treven and Chelsey each did such a good job on their eggs. They drew pictures and funny faces on theirs. It was almost a shame to crack them and eat them! Chelsey got a glitter-filled basket this year. She got a shirt and cami, some glittery flip flops, some bracelets, and some new perfume in her basket.

1 comment:

  1. What cute photos. Love them all. Such cute baskets...that Easter Bunny is pretty cool.
