Friday, January 25, 2013

Pumpkin Patch 2012

We wanted to take the preschoolers to the pumpkin patch early in October before the weather got yucky. Treven ended up not having school that day, so he got to come, too!
It's always been tradition to take pictures in front of the height sign at the pumpkin patch ever since we started coming here! This year was no different!
My little cutie pie with the tiniest pumpkin. We ended up taking three little girls and none of them wanted a big pumpkin; instead they loaded us up on these teeny little things!
The people that own the patch have a pretty good sized pile of hay bales with "stairs" in them. Of course, there is also a sign that says not to play on them. And of course, the kids had to climb to the top and pose by the sign.
Here are Ellie and her two friends, Addie and Jettah. They love to get together and play!
Here's my criminal climbing the bales. I didn't post any of them, but I have several pictures of the kids climbing to the top and then jumping off. I didn't want any evidence of their trouble-making!
The poor kids kept tripping over the pumpkin vines; maybe that's why they all wanted the little ones! We had a great time at the pumpkin patch and ended the day with a lunch date at McDonalds. Wish there were more places to take the kids for outside outings like this.

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