I can't believe that my baby is almost two already. I'm not sure where the time has gone, but it sure went fast!
This little girl is one of the craziest kids I've ever seen! She is constantly making messes everywhere, getting into things, asking why or what to everything you say, and she loves to fist fight. Any yet, her kisses are so sweet and she is so loving.
When she wants something and you tell her no, she says with the cutest look on her face, "but, I love it." She pretty much always gets what she wants! She used to burp like no other; she would take a swallow or two and then let out three or four huge burps. Then she would bust out into laughter. She's been getting into the whole princess thing lately, so I asked her, "Do princesses burp?" She shakes her head no. I say," Do princesses fart?" She again shakes her head no. I say,"Do princesses fight?" She shakes her head no again. I say,"What do princesses do?" She says,"Huggies and Kissies." She is just the sweetest little thing...until she punches you in the face and laughs! We're going to keep working on the princess stuff!
OMG...this is so cute! I just love her, and have enjoyed her personality sooo much. What a special little spirit. Aren't you glad that accidents happen sometimes?