Monday, November 12, 2012

Stapelman Family Reunion

It was our turn to plan the family reunion this year. We picked Indian Hot Springs as our spot and went with a Minute to Win it theme. We played about 10 games, some played as teams and some played by individuals on the team. Points were awarded for each game and we gave prizes to the winning teams. In this game, one player threw balls at the bucket on the other players head. No hands, of course, could be used by the player with the bucket!
This game was called Apple Stacker. Each team picked one player to try to stack five apples on top of each other without them falling over. We had two teams going at the same time and timed both teams. Fastest team got the higher amount of points. It was a little trickier than it looked!
We divided the family into teams; we tried to mix up families and equalize the amount of adults and kids on each team. Then, each team got to make a team flag and we had a parade just like at the Olympics.
The first game we played was a Cheeto toss. All of the teams played at the same time and picked two players to represent their teams. One player wore a shower cap covered in shaving cream. The other player threw Cheetos at their heads for one minute. Each team was awarded one point per stuck Cheeto!
This was a game that I thought would be a little easier! I took the front of a cereal box and cut it into twelve even pieces. We timed how long it took one player from each team to piece it back together. The only thing I would have done differently was to have each team go at the same time. Those that watched the first few teams had an advantage!
This game was one of the really fun ones. Each team picked a player that had to try to get a cookie from their forehead to their mouth using only their faces; no hands! It turned out to be quite difficult, but it was fun for those of us watching!
This game was really fun for the little ones on the team. They had 60 seconds (some a little longer depending on how little they were) to separate the different colors of Skittles into the corresponding cups. They even got to keep the Skittles when they were done!
Another game that proved to be more difficult than we thought! Each team picked one player to "fan" a plastic Easter egg across the room with a box lid. Much harder than it looks or sounds!
We also played Shave the balloon. All of the teams played this one at the same time and had shaving cream covered balloons that needed shaved as quickly as possible without popping the balloon. We also played a few other games, but I was too busy laughing to get pictures of every game! It was a lot of fun, but also a lot of work! Glad we won't be in charge for another few years!

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