The Albion Elementary kids sang and performed at the Festival of Trees toward the first part of December. They do lots of little jokes, recite poems, etc. One of their traditions is to also play the bells. It always gives me chills when they do because it's so soft and pretty.
Treven got to take part in one of the jokes as well as play the bells and sing. One of his classmates asked "What is in December that is in no other month?" He answers with "The letter D!" He really doesn't like participating in these little things; he's a lot like his dad and he would rather stay home than get up on stage and make a fool of himself. I keep trying to encourage him that he does a great job and no one thinks he looks dumb!
Ellie had a ball watching the kids. I was in the front row so I could get pictures and she kept yelling for her Bubba! She walked right up almost to the stage and just watched. She would dance along with the music and clap like crazy when each song ended!
Ellie looks like she enjoyed it, but Treven doesn't look happy at all! Loved running into you guys yesterday!