Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Retreat Challenges are posted!

As we prepare for our 4 Girls and a Dream retreat, I am excited to have posted the challenges for April. I got to take charge of the challenges and I'm super excited about them. If and when the ladies complete them, they all go into an album and will tell the story of each of us! I can't wait to finish them and post my samples! I'm actually going to do something that I never do and that is to have a photo shoot of myself. I don't have any pictures of me since I am always the one behind the camera, so it will be fun to try something new!

As a sidenote, we still have several spots available for our retreat. If we don't finish filling up, we will be forced to cancel. I cannot tell you how disappointed I will be if that happens, but we have to have enough come in to cover the costs of the inn and the food. We can cut out the extras (the welcome bags and the projects) but if we can't cover food and lodging, it wouldn't make sense to keep it going. I have researched several other retreats that offer similar things as we do, but their prices are around $400.00! We charge $110 and we don't make any money. After we do food and lodging, the rest goes right back into our projects, treat bags, prizes, etc. We do it because we love it, not to make money! If anyone is interested in coming, please let me know...we'd love to have you! It is so much fun spending time with such creative ladies and getting to focus on our shared hobby. I come away from there with such a feeling of renewal!

1 comment:

  1. I checked out the challenges and that's awesome. They all look like they'll be super fun to do. Maybe that will get some excitement generated too.
