When we got home from the dam, we left the cooler on the deck because there were still some pops and water bottles in there. The kids will just get some out when they need it and pretty soon it's all gone. I was at work and Gary called and said that we REALLY needed to get Ellie a pool.
Of course I asked why and he told me she had been playing in the icy cold cooler water all night. He tried to get her out several times, but she would just end up right back in there!
Needless to say, the next day I pulled the kid pool out of the shop and set it up for her! She was splashing and playing in it while the water was still coming out of the hose! Apparently cold water doesn't bother her one bit!
OMG...I just can't get over how dang cute she is! That wrinkled up nose and sparkling eyes...and that smile. What a girl!