Friday, December 11, 2009

Not so Funny Story

One of the reasons that I do this blog is because it's easier to blog than to write in a journal for me. An important thing about journaling is remembering little things that are funny or weird at the time, but then you tend to forget. Today's entry is one of those little stories that I don't want to forget so even though it happened a couple of weeks ago, it's only now getting put down so I will remember it forever!

A couple of weeks ago, we started getting a slight snow storm. Treven couldn't wait to go play in the snow since it was the first storm of the year. He got all of his snow gear on and headed outside. He kept coming in and out of the sliding glass door and was getting my floors super wet. Finally I told him that he had to stay in or out. He got mad and said," Well, I can't make a stupid snowball anyway." (The snow was a really wet snow that wouldn't make a snowball stick together.) By this point, I had turned around and he took off his glove and threw it at me. So I told him that if he was going to act like that he needed to sit on his bed and think about it. He just stood there glaring at me so I went over and picked him up and carried him to his bed.

I told him to stop acting like a brat and he told me that I needed to stop acting like a brat. I popped his mouth (not hard, but enough to get his attention) and told him to sit on his bed and think about the way he was treating his mom. I walked out and set the timer for 10 minutes. When it rang, I went back in his room and said:

Did you think about what happened?

Yes...(he's still glaring at me at this point)

And what are you thinking?

I think I should be adopted! (dead stinking serious!!!)

I really wanted to crack up at this point because he was so sure that he had come up with the answer! I just told him that I thought he hadn't sat there long enough and he couldn't come out until he had a better answer than that!!!!! gotta love them!

1 comment:

  1. You are gotta love them! I have told this story to several people, and they get the biggest kick out of it. They all have the same comment we always have..."that kid is way too smart". I love reading your blog and look forward to it every day.
