We spent the early hours of Thanksgiving Day at the Mini-Cassia Turkey Trot. Let me tell you- it was FREZZING COLD! My thermometer in my car said 11 degrees on the way down. Mikayla and Brad went with me since everyone else wanted to sleep in! Stephanie called the night before and wasn't sure if she was coming since it was so cold, but she and Brooke and Lindsay all came down to trot with us.
Stephanie is a runner and she decided to run with the group. I did not get the running gene so I walked. Sally took pity on me and walked with me and the kids were all right behind us. Stephanie finished her three miles in about 33 minutes so she came walking back to find us. Good thing she didn't wait for us because I think we finished in 50 something minutes!
Mikayla and Brad posed with the mascot for the Turkey Trot before the race. The whole trot is put on by some of my cousins and I was really excited to take part in it this year! All of the proceeds go to a local fire department and other local causes and it was really fun to do something that was good for our community and also good for my health!
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