Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Just Dance

After the straw maze and dinner, we all crowded into the living room and played Just Dance! It was so much fun! For those that don't know what the game is, you play it through the wii. There are tons of songs to choose from and you basically just do what the guy on the screen is doing. It keeps track of points for how well you do what the icon is doing and then it ranks the players. It is such a kick! This is Stephanie, Sally, and my mom dancing to Proud Mary. Robin is also there, but my living room is so small that we were too tight to get everyone in the picture!

Believe it or not, but even the guys got in on the dancing. David, Jason, Gary, and Keven all did a number. I was so busy laughing I thought I would wet my pants! Anybody that knows Gary and I very well, knows that we DON'T dance-EVER! It was really neat that he would get out there and do it, though. The girls have bugged him since we got Just Dance 1 to try it and he never would. Amazing what the peer pressure will do!

Here are the professionals of the game! Ivy, Lindsay, Mikayla, and Chelsey! They are so fun to watch because they can all keep up with the dancer dude on the screen and they look like they are in sync. It's not just a mass of arms and legs when they dance! Notice Ellie in the picture? She crowded in and danced almost every song! She's quite the little dancer with that wild hair! Stay posted and I'll get some more Just Dance pictures soon!

1 comment:

  1. Love it! It's about time you got busy and posted again. I've got to get copies of these photos...too fun. That was so much fun that night.
