Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Red Ribbon Week continued 2 of our Red Ribbon Week festivities was "Drugs turn you inside out". The kids all wore their clothes inside out to school and I took little bags of pretzels with the phrase on it. Sorry, but I didn't take any pictures of that! I also was at the school at 7:30 am and the kids brought pictures of things they could do instead of drugs and we glued them on some big posterboards and hung them in the hallway. On Wednesday, we had "Drug Free Rocks!" day. The kids came to school dressed as rock stars (there is my little rocker above!) and I passed out pop rock candy with the slogan on it. We also gave the kids sheets of paper for them to make a poster on. They could draw a picture of something they could do instead of drugs, a picture of what you look like on drugs, generally anything anti-drug. We had some really cool posters, but in the end Kadan won for the little kids and Hadley won for the older kids. They each got a giant candy bar. The last day was our Halloween party so we combined the two themes and had "Say BOO to drugs" day. They got to dress up in their costumes and we took them trick or treating to local businesses. They loved bring outdoors and I think it was way better than playing games cooped up in the lunchroom. When we got back to the school, they each got bags of candy with our slogan on it and everyone that had participated in the fun all week got an anti-drug water bottle. We had an awesome week and I hope the kids had a good time!

1 comment:

  1. You are too clever. They will want you to do the whole thing every year! My...that rock star is good looking...
