Thursday, May 6, 2010

Braquel's 18th Birthday

Braquel and Ellie blowing out the candle on her strawberry shortcake. We always have the grandparents up for dinner on the kids' birthdays and I let them pick the menu. Braquel picked creamy chicken enchiladas, spanish rice, refried beans, and strawberry shortcake for dessert. Ellie must still remember her birthday because she wanted to help unwrap presents, too!
When Braquel had her first birthday, she was way more interested in the cards than the gifts. She would sit and act like she was reading all of her cards. Even on her 18th birthday, she took the time to read all of her cards...what a sweetie!

For her birthday, I let her skip a day of school and we had a girls day out. Grandma Jones kept Ellie for the day so we didn't have to drag her out all day. I made little cards with poems on them to give Braquel clues to where we were going. As we would leave a place, they would hand her a new card with our next destination. This was actually our last stop- a massage!

This was our third and fourth stop. Braquel got a pedicure and then she got a spray on tan so she would be golden brown for prom. I really wasn't too impressed with them-not sure we'll do the spray on thing again! The chair that Kell is sitting on was a massage chair. She had a grand time going through each of the various settings while her toes dried!

Our first stop was Maurices. Braquel is in need of some new clothes so I let her pick out anything she wanted. We had lots of fun loading up the dressing room. She ended up getting two pairs of summer shorts and the cutest white eyelet tank top ever! It was so much fun getting to spend the day with my baby. With 5 kids, it's so hard to spend individual time with each child. I will treasure this day with Braquel forever!

1 comment:

  1. What a treat that day would have been. I'm sure she loved it. That's awesome that you got that special time with her. And you're right...she's is a SWEETIE.
