Monday, May 10, 2010

Braquel's Senior Project

The first leg of Braquel's Senior Project was to create a poster that reflected the theme of your project. Braquel chose abused and neglected children as her theme because she has had some personal experience with it and she was interested in just how that state goes about removing children from abusive situations. She found out that it rarely happens even when there are consistent calls made regarding the abuse. She was very disappointed that abuse is not taken more seriously in the state of Idaho.
The second leg was all of her paperwork. She had to have a mentor and she had to spend at least 15 hours working on her theme. Everything went into her project binder. She had an interview with a close family member going through this and she had an actual letter from the Dept of Health and Welfare regarding abuse that she herself called and reported. Basically, it just said that there wasn't enough evidence of the abuse for them to do anything (most likely because they didn't take the time to check the kids in a timely fashion!)

The third leg of the project was to present it at an open house night. Students and parents could come and see all the kids' projects and ask questions. Braquel put together a power point with several statistics and information. She presented it to a couple of the health classes at school and then again at the open house.

The last part was to present her project to the judges. This is her principal the night of the open house asking her questions. She actually presented the following week to 4 or 5 judges, but parents weren't allowed so I don't have any pics of that. She was so nervous, but excited to be done with it finally. She ended up getting a 90%! I'm so proud of her- I know how difficult of a topic this was for her as it was so close to her heart!


  1. I'm so glad Braquel called and invited us to her open house. I thought all the projects were pretty good for high school seniors, and couldn't believe the amount of time that most had spent on them. That's awesome that she got a 90%. Good job!
