Sunday, June 13, 2010

The Faces of Ellie

This is Ellie when she is being sweet and loving.
This is her new "face". She makes this face when she is in trouble, when she wants something, when she eats something sour, and sometimes just because. It is the funniest thing I have ever seen! The picture isn't as cute as the real thing. She raises her little eyebrows as high as they can go, opens her big blue eyes really wide, and stretches her lips as wide as they will go. Stinkin' funny, I tell you. Chelsey has been trying to get a good picture of "the face" for over a week with no luck. She doesn't do it long enough to get a good picture of it!

And this is the worst face of all. The "I'm not getting my way and you guys are going to pay for it" face. We were watching Treven's baseball game and she wanted down to play in the dirt and rocks. No such luck today. It used to be really hard to not give in to that pouty lip and loud wailing, but it's getting easier day by day!

1 comment:

  1. cute is she! I love those faces. Thanks for all the help yesterday and for sharing the time with us.
