Treven: Mom, there are some really great cattails down here and we don't have to go to Burley!
Me: Wow! Do you remember the rules about the cattails?
Treven: Sure...(thinks a minute) we don't hit dad with them because he gets really mad.
Me: That's really hurts.
Treven: Dad gets so mad he might spank me so hard I can't sit down for a week!!!
Of course, there is a little inside information you need if you don't know the story on this conversation! Last summer, we went to Emerald Lake for a family picnic. Treven got several cattails and took them home. Gary told him over and over that we don't hit people with them. Treven decided it was ok to hit as long as you only hit the bad guys! Gary and I were just walking out the door to go to Annies and WHACK! Treven hit Gary right across the butt as hard as he could with the cattail. Needless to say, he got into some trouble over it. I came home a little later that night to check on the kids and he was still mad at his dad. He told me that he wasn't sure he would ever love dad again! He did get over it later that night, though.
Treven: Come on, Mom...let's go faster! (He starts running down the gravel road to the cattails)
Me: I can't run, Trev...I'm too old and fat (even though I do pick up the pace a bit)
Treven: (slowing down) It's okay, Mom. I'll wait up for you like a good son!
That you are, baby,,,that you are!
I love it! I can't wait to check your blog every morning to see what you've written. I love seeing the pictures, but very best of all...I love reading the journaling. I want to print everything and keep it! Thank you soooo much for sharing with me.