Monday, July 26, 2010

Around my yard

Chelsey loves to use my camera and take photos of nature. Every time I download my memory card, I find several shots of the outdoors. The last time I downloaded, I found this shot of my petunias. I bought them from a fundraiser that Ivy did and I planted them in some small pots. We had a nasty freeze one night and I thought they were goners, but they came back and are HUGE now!
The flowers are in my front yard. They are so cool-they look like little stars and I have some red and some white ones. Gary's sister, Sheila sent them down to me. They are awesome to look at, but they take water constantly. I'm not so into high maintenance!

These are my favorite peonies. I have several peony plants throughout my yard, but these pretty soft pink ones are my favorite. Most of the others plants are bright pink ones. They are all done blooming now, but we sure enjoy them while they last.

1 comment:

  1. Chelsey is getting pretty good at photography if she took these. They look great!
