Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Mikayla's Room Makeover

We've been working on Mikayla's new room this last month. She went from Braquel's salmon pink walls to all white. I gave her $100 and told her she had to make it go as far as she could (including the paint). She bought this comforter set for $40 and I think the paint ran around $30.
We bought a message board a few years ago at a family auction, but it had bold, bright colors on it. She didn't want to give up her board so we took off the neon flowers and put white and black fabric in the same spots. We also redid the flower magnets and tacks so they were all in black and white. We just have to get Gary to hang it up now!

Here is a bigger view of her bed. She bought some black picture frames that we need to do something with and I have a fun idea for some curtains that I'm going to try to get to in the next week or so. She also wants to do some sort of vinyl lettering with a saying on the wall. I will have to experiment with the Cricket and see if we can't figure out how to do that for her!

1 comment:

  1. Love both rooms. I'm impressed with how well they budgeted their money. I haven't forgotten that Mikayla and Treven both want letters cut out...just haven't dug the saw out yet, but we'll get them done...soon! I promise.
