Friday, July 9, 2010

Meet Henry

Someone came up with a brilliant idea for this years 4th of July celebration. They decided to have kids chase bunnies, chickens, and greased pigs. Whomever caught the animal, got to take it home. Luckily, Treven didn't catch the bunny....
He chased and chased this poor rooster. I prayed and prayed on the other side of the fence that the rooster could get away and find a nice home with some other family...

Sometimes God answers prayers in weird ways. Treven not only caught the thing, but now his name is Henry and we have nowhere to put him. Treven refuses to let us eat him and we have no chicken coop. For now, he's at a house in Albion with their chickens, but who knows how long that will last! I HATE birds....and chickens are birds! Gary tried to tell me I would have to take it to grandma and grandpa Jones and see how it would do there, but there is NO WAY IN HELL that a bird is going in my car with me in it! I can just see it getting out of Treven's hands and flying all over my car spreading pooh and feathers everywhere....NOT HAPPENING! The girls have been teasing Treven that we are going to have Henry nuggets for dinner one night...he just cries.


  1. are too funny. Look at that face in the photo of him with the chicken. He's sooo proud! Just make sure it goes to the JONES...grandparents. I need copies of these photos...

  2. have a quick kid to catch a rooster. Those are darling pics and how could you even think of eating POOR HENRY!! Good Luck! Remember he's already "lost" a fish this summer - be kind to him.
