Friday, April 23, 2010

Thoughts for today

Here are just a few random thoughts that I have had today (in no specific order)

1. I am the luckiest girl in the world: a great husband, 5 happy, healthy kids, a home that I adore, a town that I love, and so many wonderful friends and family members. Aside from my own scrapbook store loaded with every new and fantastic product, I am pretty content.

2. When was the last time the kids' sheets were washed? I put it on their chore charts every week or so, but do they really wash them? *side note- I went upstairs to get the girls' sheets off their beds, Chelsey didn't even have them on her bed from the last washing....go figure!

3. I need to find something new to make for dinner next week

4. Wow- Gary mowed the lawn on Monday and it's already long

5. Where did this week go?

6. I haven't read a really good book for a long time.

7. Woodpeckers suck- more about that story later!! lol

8. I wish I didn't have to work-why can't we win the lottery and spend the rest of our lives on vacation? Oh yeah- we don't play the lottery, duh!!!

9. It's time to lose Ellie's pacifiers- they leave a red rash on her chin

10. Braquel graduates in about three weeks..what the hell? Who said she could grow up and get a life of her own?

1 comment:

  1. It doesn't seem fair that they can grow up...and it just goes by so flipping fast. I can't believe Braquel is graduating. Couldn't believe it last year when Brit graduated. Where has the time gone?
    I think I should do a random thoughts one of these it!
