Monday, October 11, 2010

Weekly Menu

Monday: creamy chicken enchiladas, Spanish Rice

Tuesday: leftovers

Wednesday: hamburgers, fruit salad, chips

Thursday: Hamburger helper, corn (retreat!)

Friday: Frozen pizzas (retreat!)

Saturday: Mexican lasagna

Sunday: Salmon, baked potatoes, zucchini/carrots

Monday: toaster strudels
Tuesday: german pancakes
Wednesday: cream of wheat
Thursday: yogurt and toast
Friday: cold cereal

I'll be spending the next three days frantically getting everything ready so I can go to the retreat. There are apples to be dehydrated, peaches to be canned, laundry to be done, bags to be packed, a homemade surprise for each of the welcome bags to make, auction items to be finished, all on top of working two days at the shop this week! Whew...wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. Wow...I hope you make it. Sounds like you are an over achiever doesn't it? I love how organized you always are though, and I have no doubt that you'll make it.
