Friday, September 24, 2010

Food Storage

I know it's been a couple of days since I posted; Ellie has had an ear infection and neither of us have slept for two nights straight. We are both getting pretty irritable and tired so I haven't felt much like sitting at the computer. Hopefully the antibiotics will really take hold soon and she will sleep tonight. The last couple of weeks Gary and I have been focusing on preparing for winter. We filled our propane tank, we've been cutting wood, and we have been stocking our food stores.

Smith's Food and Drug has had case lot sales for the past two weeks and I saw an ad for a case lot sale at Stokes this coming week. Since I do our grocery shopping once a week, I try to pick one item that is on sale and buy about $10 of it to put away. each week is completely different depending on the best sales. When I find the case lots, though-all bets are off. I went a little crazy at the last one! I spent $200 but I came home with cases of soups, pears, oranges, tomatoes of several types, chicken broth,, tuna fish, pinto beans, and a few other things.
I will continue to keep adding my few items each week, but it sure feels good to know that if we get snowed in or had an emergency, we could last awhile. I'm just now starting to branch into stocking other things such as hygiene items and diapers. You just never know when you may need these types of things! I just wish there was more available space for storage. Gary made me clear off three shelves in my laundry/craft room. I told him that was half and that was all I was giving up! He said that was good until I bought all the cases. They are breaking the shelves and we still have cases sitting on the floor under the shelves. Now he says we may need more scrapbooking stuff eliminated to make room-NOT!

1 comment:

  1. Not can't give up all your space. But, I'm so proud of you for planning ahead and storing food. We just never know when something may happen and we'll need it to survive. Even people who have lost their jobs, or had an accident and not been working, testify to the wisdom of storage.
