Friday, September 3, 2010

Treven's Pirate Party

When Treven turned 7 a week or so ago, he decided he wanted a party. We went with a pirate theme and had so much fun. These are the cupcakes that we made with the chocolate pirate coins on them. Some of the kids went crazy over the coins and ate several of the coins and no cupcakes!
I wrapped a clue in Treven's last gift that sent them on a treasure hunt to find his gift from us. When they realized the gift was the clue, there were kids running everywhere looking for the next clue! I had hidden 5 or 6 clues and it was a mad dash...the final clue talked about the treasure in an old worn-out truck. We have a Toyota that the engine went out of and Gary just hasn't had time to put a new one in. That was where I had the final gift. All but one of the kids went right past the Toyota to our Ford that we use to haul garbage to the dump and get firewood in! Hilarious that they all picked the wrong truck...maybe it means we have too many worn out trucks on our property! LOL!!!

One of the games we played was a cannon-ball toss...otherwise known as a water balloon fight! Gary, my mom, Sally (my s-i-l), and one of the boys moms filled about 200 water balloons. We divided them in half and put them in coolers. We then divided the kids into teams and let em go. The only bad part was when they ran out of balloons! We also played Pin the Patch on the Pirate and a water game that they had to soak up water in a sponge and run it to another bucket about 100 feet away and transfer all the water from one bucket to the other. There were several groups of brothers at the party and they each went on opposite teams. It was really funny to watch them compete with each other!

We asked all the kids to come dressed as pirates and most of them did. They were all so cute! Two of the kids even blacked out a few of their teeth and one boy came with a gold hoop earring. Even my niece, Whitney came dressed as a pirate! She was the only girl here, but she had fun with all the boys anyway. If you look close at the picture of the kids on the treasure hunt, she's the second one running for the treasure...she kept right up with those rowdy boys! The kids had a blast and Treven had one memorable birthday!

1 comment:

  1. I was just looking at my photos from the party last night...I'd forgotten all about them. I'll have to get them ready to post. Maybe I'll have a few different ones than you have.
